In any course that is face to face, blended, or even remote you will have to set up two different categories of activities, Online Activities, and Offline Activities. Please review the content below to learn more about each.

Online Activities

Online assignments are anything students submit online, such as posting to discussion forums or uploading papers. Online assignments are assigned points and to an assignment group. Assignments must have due dates to show up on the students’ to-do lists.

<aside> ❗ If you plan to use modules please review How to add a module before watching this video.


For review, the major steps that must be completed to set up any online assignment are:

Different canvas tools change some steps. The specifics of doing steps 3 and 4 ****change depending on the Canvas tool you are using. For instance, settings on an assignment using the Assignment tool in Canvas are different than when you use the Discussion tool or even the Quizzes tool.

As mentioned in the video, if you need more detail on setting up the Canvas tools you are using for your online assignments, you can look at the resource pages for each tool you are using which can be found in our Canvas Resource Center and are listed out below.

  1. How to set up and use Assignments
  2. How to set up and use Discussions
  3. How to set up and use Quizzes (Tests)

Offline Activities

For review, when setting up offline assignments/exams: