
This guide explains how to determine whether a student is academically engaged in an online or hybrid course as defined by the attendance policies in the catalogs for Adult Education and the Seminary & Graduate School.


Defining attendance

LBC | Capital defines student attendance in an online or hybrid course as academic engagement that takes any of these forms on a weekly basis:

Determining attendance

Use the following guidance to determine a student's last academic engagement.

How to determine the last Canvas course participation

  1. Review this Canvas instructor guide: How do I view the course access report for an individual user?
  2. Locate the most recent row with a decimal number (e.g., 1.0) in the Times Participated column. Note the date/time in the corresponding Last Viewed column. That is the student's latest Canvas course participation.

Note: Numbers in the Times Viewed column reflect the student's page views only, which do not qualify as academic engagement.

How to determine the last class meeting participation

Acceptable student participation in the weekly class meetings takes the forms of either attending class meetings live or watching the recordings and providing a written contribution—and indicating which they have done. Use the following steps to determine when the student last participated in a class meeting.

  1. If you recorded attendance on your own during the class meeting, consult your record.
  2. From the Canvas course's Grades or Assignments page, locate the meeting participation report for the most recent meeting, navigate to the student’s name, and note whether they made a submission.

The most recent date is the student's latest class meeting participation.

How to determine the last course-related communication

Answer the following questions to make this determination.

  1. Has the student emailed you about a course-related matter? If so, when was the latest email sent?