All course evaluations are automated to run during the duration of your course. Your primary contact for all evaluations will be your LBC email address. If you do not know how to access your LBC email address, please contact the Help Desk at [email protected] or 717.560.8200 x4357.

You will receive 4 different types of email communication from IOTA360 titled: 1) Upcoming LBC Course Evaluations 2) Current Response Rates 3) Final Response Rates and 4) Course Evaluation Results.

1) Upcoming LBC Course Evaluations

The Upcoming LBC Course Evaluations email is meant to prepare you for the upcoming evaluation and provide information that you can use to communicate with your students. In this email, you can view:

  1. The evaluation period for your course
  2. What course is being evaluated and how many students are enrolled in it
  3. Access instructions to pass on to your students
  4. A link to this help guide

2) Current Response Rates

The Current Response Rates emails are meant to show you how your students are doing at responding, give you information to pass onto your students, and remind you of the evaluation period of the course. In this email, you can view:

  1. A table that breaks down how many students have responded and your total response rate at the time of the email
  2. Instructions that you can use to help guide your students to their evaluations
  3. The course's evaluation period end date
  4. The date you will receive the course evaluation results

3) Final Response Rates